
Dziennik korespondencji przychodzącej i wychodzącej

Dziennik korespondencji przychodzącej i wychodzącej jest dokumentem, który służy do rejestrowania wszystkich przychodzących i wychodzących korespondencji. Zawiera informacje o nadawcy, odbiorcy, temacie, datach nadania i odebrania, a także krótki opis treści. Jest używany do zarządzania […]


The Benefits of Technology-Based Solutions for the Post Office: A blog about using mailrooms with the love of technology.

for all your communications, including the people who are vital to your business. With a digital mailroom, you will be able to optimize how you process and manage paper documents and other correspondence so that […]


An Overview of Digital Mailroom Services: A blog about the benefits of using a digital mailrooms and the various features.

Digital mailroom services are a specialized set of services that are used to process and manage incoming physical mail. They involve the scanning and digitizing of physical mail, allowing for the efficient storage and handling […]


Three Ways a Correspondence Management System Can Benefit Your Business

Mailroom management software is one of the most essential pieces of equipment for a workplace mailroom. As your colleague who processes the majority of your office’s mail, if you don’t already have a digital distribution […]


How to manage correspondence?

Managing correspondence typically involves receiving and sorting mail, responding to emails and letters, drafting and sending out documents, filing hard copies of documents, and archiving and storing records. Make sure all letters and documents are […]


Document flow procedures

Document flow procedures Document flow procedures are a set of rules for the flow of documents in an organization. The purpose of the procedures is to ensure an efficient and secure flow of information and […]


Incoming and outgoing correspondence

Incoming and outgoing correspondence Incoming and outgoing correspondence is the entire collection of communications between a company and its customers, suppliers, partners, etc. This can include anything from e-mails, postal letters, faxes, business cards and […]


Correspondence journal

Correspondence journal The correspondence log is a document in which all kinds of correspondence between the company and its customers, suppliers or other entities are recorded. The correspondence log can be used to record and […]