Correspondence Management
Management of Correspondence

Customers nowadays expect to be able to choose how they receive their correspondence, and it is not uncommon for a single consumer to request multiple delivery options. Egis creates a customer experience by offering a communication ecosystem with a variety of distribution options. Paper mailing and self-serve channels such as the internet, SMS, mobile app, and chat make up our communication ecology.
CMS uses the newest postal technology paired with our operations knowledge to build solutions to segregate work efforts, identify urgent requests, and distribute for processing to efficiently manage incoming correspondence quantities.
All incoming mail and faxes are opened, time-stamped, digitized, batched, and allocated to Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) for processing.
For incoming letters to be fulfilled by Customer Service Representatives, we use the job queue capabilities of both the Customer Relation Management and Imagery Systems.
Intelligent scanning is used in our solution to optimize the scanning process and reduce the need to scan each document one at a time, resulting in increased correspondence handling efficiency.
To enable complete proof traceability, PDF files are linked to the account and stored. Extensive controls within the document repository ensure data and information confidentiality, ensuring the integrity of the data and preventing illegal record tampering and access.
Where consumers have chosen to receive content digitally, our eServices Platform provides for electronic delivery of communications. Email or SMS notification of content that is ready for clients to view, web presentation of the content, delivery of the content through attachments, consent management, signup/verification, and electronic payment are all included in the suite of services.
We employ a competent print/mail house service to manage frequent mass outgoing letters. Our clients benefit from economies of scale in the form of higher efficiency and cheaper shipping costs as a result of this. The files are sent to a print shop where they are digitally printed on high-resolution color inkjet machines. For future documentation and reporting, all correspondences are electronically kept in the document repository, linked to a customer account, and tracked in the Customer Relations Management System. For processing returned mail, our solution produces an intelligent mail barcode (IMB) for all outgoing mail and applies numerous address hygiene approaches.